FEMA Disaster Tool
Included with PowerTools Free
Keeping track of disasters for the subject property can be time consuming, going to the FEMA website, searching for the county, and then copying all relevant information to the loan file. Not to mention creating a Word Document and uploading to the eFolder.
The FEMA Disaster Search Plugin in Lender Toolkit’s PowerTools is yet another time saving utility that automatically pulls FEMA Disaster Declarations from the FEMA website using the Subject Property State and County and records all relevant disaster declarations from the past year to the loan file. You can then use that information to build business rules around them, which forces your users to review the disaster before continuing the loan workflow. Aside from recording to the loan file, a PDF with all the FEMA Disaster Declarations that were identified is added to the eFolder.
Time saved is worth its value in gold. No more going to the FEMA website and checking for updates to disasters. The tool is configured to run each time there is a change to the property address. An administrator can also set an option to run each time a user opens a loan open and stop running after a certain milestone is completed. You can also create a business rule to tell the FEMA Disaster Declarations plugin when to run.